We went to the State Fair on October 13th-Matthew had a blast. He kept asking for one more ride. Maybe Ryan will be big enough for some of the rides next year. Matthew was scared of Big Tex, every time we walked by him he said he was scary.
These are pictures from Alex's volleyball game on October 13. She dislikes getting her picture taken but she couldn't do anything about during her game. HA HA!!!
I pulled out the camera to take a picture of Ryan sitting like a big boy on the couch. As soon as he saw the camera he started saying cheese over and over again. I guess he wasn't ready for his photo shoot to be over because when I put the camera away he started to cry. Silly boy!!!!!
Here we are on the playground, I think Ryan thought he was a big boy and could maneuver the big playground. I kept trying to get him to play on the smaller one but he would have nothing to do with it. The boys had a great time playing.
Matthew and his friend Josef, I can't wait until they are 15 and I can show them this picture. This was Ryan's first try at painting a pumpkin and he had a great time, he only tried to eat the paintbrush a few times. Matthew and Josef were done painting in record time, there was a playground to get to. I don't think they spent more than 5 minutes on their pumpkins.
Ryan's first experience with coloring, I found these great crayons by Crayola that are designed for the way toddlers hold things in the palm of their hands. He had a great time and of course Matthew had to join in.